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Bestseller Book Launch Blueprint Course

The solution you are looking for

Perhaps you choked a little when hearing Book Launch Managers can cost as much as $80,000+ and that is way out of reach, but you still have BIG goals… Perhaps you’re one of the many we talk to that doesn’t want to settle for less by hiring help that’s “ok” … and instead want a mentor by your side who has 15+ years of experience… If you want to have a #1 bestselling book, a bigger platform, a monetization model that works… Then you’re in the right place. Whether you are a fiction or non-fiction author, just starting to write your first book or publishing your fifteenth book, whether you are launching or re-launching…​

What you will learn

In this Bestseller Book Launch Blueprint course, learn the latest selling strategies to get bestselling book results in a highly competitive world.

Industry’s leading Book Launch Director Amber Vilhauer pulls back the curtain and shares the very conversion strategies used on her most successful book launches including viral live streaming, relationship-leveraging, monetization, scaling and more.

We’ve made hundreds of books #1 bestsellers. 

Those clients have gone on to sell tens of thousands of copies of their books and landed on stages in front of 15,000 audience members for a $40,000+ speaking fee. You could (and should) be next!

A message from
Amber Vilhauer

Need I say more?

The BIGGEST mistakes authors make:

  • Not willing to go “all in.”

  • Not giving themselves enough runway (time) to market and launch.

  • Spending their time doing all of the day-to-day operations which should absolutely be delegated out to someone else.

  • Not having a powerful plan that is rooted in proven marketing methodologies.

  • Not putting aside a bigger budget for the marketing and book launch.

  • Not treating this book as a product that can be leveraged to absolutely create a 7-figure business.

“Amber is seriously hands down the best online support, marketing, guru, coach, copywriter ever.

It’s endless what she does, and after years of being online, I’ve finally found the right support who is brilliant and “gets” me.
I’m grateful.”
– Dr. Debi Silber




One of the two highest and best opportunities for sales success is to ask your network to support your launch. I'll teach you how to GROW and NURTURE your network with Integrity, NO pressure, and in a way that supports THEIR best interests.


(on and off stages)

More podcasting, more video (both prerecorded weekly videos for YouTube 8 months+ out AND especially live streaming), etc. I'll give you MY protocols for it ALL and put you at ease.


You absolutely CAN have a profitable launch (and pay back what it took you to get there). In this course, you and I go DEEP on the options you have to make money before, during and after your launch.


(I help you with it all.)

You’ll have ‘forever access’ to 5 core training Modules and more than 25 lessons. All course materials (including full access to our IP, video training and screen-sharing, MP3s, transcripts, spreadsheets, email templates, and protocols) can be accessed anytime by you and your team in our member’s area. This is more than 10 hours of potent but entertaining ‘how to do’ and most importantly, ‘how to think’ content so you are setup for ultimate success.
This isn’t just a course you experience once.

I recommend you RE-launch your book EACH YEAR to boost your sales,
platform and reputation. This course will enable you to do that with ease.


Some of the BIGGEST mistakes authors make include not having a powerful plan that is rooted in proven marketing methodologies, and not giving themselves enough runway (time) to market and launch. With proper preparation, you will have every advantage for long-term book sales success.

in this module we discuss:

Being properly prepared does NOT mean we need to delay your launch or spend unreasonably high amounts of time planning and filling out worksheets. It DOES mean we need to:

  • Dial in your mindset (to go further than most authors will ever go in their sales success).

  • Quickly map out your goals (because most have no clue what they are aiming for, which is why their results are puny).

  • Consider the team members that must be in place to free you up from doing too much yourself.

  • Learn about monetization so you can make back your investment in the book development and leverage new cash flow to grow your company, platform and readership.

  • Look at "what's hot" for bonuses you'll giveaway to get more book sales (and make decisions on the spot so we can move forward quickly).

  • Put on our grown-up pants and document what we are doing and why so your next launch is a breeze!


This module goes DEEP in all areas of platform you’ll need for Bestseller Success and beyond. If you’re not ready for the increase in attention, you’ll waste the opportunity for building a bigger social media following and email community, converting those qualified leads into life-long customers, and growing your credibility in ways that get you further growth opportunities.

in this module we discuss:

Let your book launch or RE-launch be an opportunity to dial in your messaging and positioning, to polish up your website so you’re PROUD to show it off, to grow engagement in your social media community, to leverage other people’s success for your own. Let’s get serious and scale this thing!

You’re about to not just “learn” but make significant progress in the areas below. You’ll finally have:

  • A website that converts qualified buyers

  • A crystalized Customer Journey

  • Improved messaging and positioning

  • Overcome your lack of enthusiasm about making video online and learn how to scale your impact with this incredible tool (without brain damage)

  • Book launch pages (there are 3) that you won't be embarrassed about

  • A simple solution to a "funnel" that makes sense (and works!)

  • A process for surveying your audience so you're creating what they actually want

  • A system and procedure to get someone else to do ALL of your low-level Content Marketing for you

  • A Content Plan with one year's worth of content ideas (no more writer's block)

  • Detailed information on how to hire a Virtual Assistant to free you up

  • A vision and plan to get on top-rated Podcasts

  • An optimized super-process for Live Streaming which will enable your message and launch to go viral

  • A clearer understanding of the role Media and Publicity plays in your launch (and beyond)


One of the two ways you’ll get the MOST books sold during your launch is by getting your network to promote the book launch with you. We know relationships are important, but most authors lock up when asking for help because they don’t know the right way to do it, they’re afraid of being a bother, and they don’t have a step-by-step procedure from beginning to end – until now.

in this module we discuss:

  • The difference between a high-integrity #1 Bestselling book launch and NOT hitting #1, almost always comes down to... how many people are helping to promote the campaign. It's time to DIG IN and hustle during this phase of the launch prep.

  • Document your entire network without prejudging or making assumptions

  • Get email templates so you can confidently do outreach to Influencers and even past Podcasters for easy yes's

  • Learn the timeline and pacing for communication with your network

  • Get access to all countdown and reminder email templates we've had success with

  • Understand how the groundwork you lay now, will be a POWERFUL asset for your future


This is where the rubber meets the road! You can have a polished platform, marketing that hums, and a network of supporters… but if you don’t “finish strong” by setting the right categories in Amazon, or priming the pump, you won’t achieve that #1 dream. So let’s dig in and show you what you need to do to make your dream a reality!

in this module we discuss:

  • The final 8-week timeline and all activity that must be accomplished before you launch

  • How to build buzz naturally through your platform, and how to get that buzz to go viral and reach other platforms

  • The timing between marketing to your own community, managing Influencers and their promotion, preparing to monetize, hosting an online challenge to scale your results, communicating with Amazon and more.

  • A 5-email sequence that counts down to your launch day, meant for your own personal email community

  • How Amazon sorts (and hides) categories, plus which 2 to choose (the stakes are high!)

  • The careful process for Priming the Pump 4-5 days out from launch


Perhaps the BIGGEST mistake and author makes is NOT treating their book as a product that can be leveraged to create a 7-figure business. Even if your goal isn’t to scale profits, cash flow helps make your world go round. It affords you the freedom to write your next book in peace, or go on tour with book signings, and avoid the debt most authors accrue. Learn how to get long-term success in our final Module.

in this module we discuss:

  • What happens Week One, Month One, Month Six and Ongoing post-launch

  • The most common details that are overlooked after a launch

  • Lots of ideas and strategies to push your book ongoing and make the MOST out of your launch efforts

  • When to consider a re-launch and how the heck that works

  • How to truly scale your marketing (grow your social media following, email community, and credibility so you can get more ______ - speaking engagements, product sales, reviews and book sales)

  • What to do with other authors and relationship prospects ...and more. We finish STRONG in this module. Get ready to make significant progress in your "business growth" with this Bestseller Book Launch Blueprint course!

  • Systematizing your marketing, sales and operations (oh boy!)

Look, our work together isn’t just about a book launch.

This course work is designed to build up your entire online platform, get you and your message out to the Press, get you regular speaking engagements, build your influence and confidence, train your team and create structure and harmony within your organization.
My work is deep … and HIGHLY effective.
“Amber… What’s impressive about you is you’re always on the cutting edge of what’s happening in this EVER CHANGING AT THE SPEED OF LIGHT Online Marketing World.” – LG


and they rave about our services!



Mike Michalowicz is a prolific author (best known for Profit First, Clock Work, and The Pumpkin Plan) and globally recognized speaker. His #1 focus and passion is to eradicate entrepreneurial poverty (something he achieves every day). You’ll find Mike speaking on MANY stages, featured on MANY online shows, and getting hugs and high fives from anyone that meets him.



Susie Carder is a Profit Advisor with an IMPRESSIVE track record for business growth success. Not only has Susie built two 10 Million dollar companies, but she was also a mastermind behind growing the Lisa Nichols brand into a 9- figure earner and taking the company public. Small businesses hire Susie to help them achieve faster growth from $250,000yr to $10 Million+.



Joel Comm is a New York Times bestselling author with an impressive 15 books under his belt. He’s one of the leading trend-setters and innovators in the online business space today. You’ll find Joel just about everywhere – speaking worldwide, hosting multiple podcasts, being featured inside some of the world’s largest brands, running multiple companies, all over social media, and, at the Toy Fair.


I know this is the big question on your mind. And, just as I do regularly throughout the Bestseller Book Launch Blueprint experience…I invite you to reframe this question in your mind. Instead of thinking “So what’s it gonna cost me?”
I’d like you to consider…
  • What would this level of support and direction be worth to me?

  • What would it be worth for you to finally have an operational team doing most of your marketing and fulfillment for you?

  • What would it be worth for you to have a crystal-clear action plan and detailed step-by-step tasks so you weren’t left fatigued… guessing… and hoping it all works out?

  • What would it be worth for you to know your marketing, launch and ongoing sales are done RIGHT?

Authors invest an average of $40,000 to work with me and my teams for 4-6 months as their Book Launch Director. The investment for the Bestseller Book Launch Blueprint course is
a one-time fee of $5,000 and you’ll have FOREVER ACCESS to the training and protocols.

INCLUDED, you’ll get FREE updates and upgrades for Life! We both know the online world is always changing and now you’ll have peace of mind that you’ll be notified and setup for best success.


We put 100% effort into the Bestseller Book Launch Blueprint course and we are convinced you will love this experience. Therefore, we are offering you a 100% Money-Back Guarantee. If you watch each lesson video, complete all coursework, and still feel we did not deliver the level of value promised, simply let us know within 30 days of your order date and we’ll refund your money in full. The reason we require course completion first is because we are only interested in supporting authors who are serious and committed to their success. This course experience encourages deep work to be done so we can create serious results for you. When you’re serious and we are, magic happens. We look forward to the opportunity of greatly improving your company operations so you can experience higher levels of book launch success!
  • Give you a plan that makes sense and that you can feel very confident in. High levels of creativity and innovation were baked into each detail of this course. No repeated, cookie-cutter approaches here. All strategy is customized and unique.

  • Give you peace of mind knowing that someone highly competent left no stone unturned, and is always looking out for your best interests as an organization (not just for the launch).

  • Whip your business operations into shape and only task you things that only you can do or want to do.

  • Give you a stronger platform to uplevel with into next year and beyond.

  • Give you a launch flow you won’t be apologizing for to your network. Also, your network will feel as if they are treated with a white glove service at each interaction point.

  • Support you mentally and emotionally (a huge value most don’t pay attention to).


"Amber is smart, fast, friendly, efficient, and a wealth of knowledge. She not only met expectations, she exceeded them.”

- Dr. Christina Bjorndal

“Amber delivered a product that was above and beyond what I expected. Working with Amber, I was at peace throughout the entire process.”

– Kalvin Evans



Amber Vilhauer is an online digital marketing expert who supports authors, speakers and coaches to establish a powerful, integrated online presence that gets results and empowers them to make a difference in their industry. Since starting her NGNG™ Enterprises Inc. (standing for No Guts No Glory) in 2007, Amber has supported thousands of entrepreneurs to get results.

She is the launch manager behind several #1 bestselling books including those for Mark Victor Hansen, Martin Lindstrom, John Lee Dumas, Brendon Burchard, Mike Michalowicz, Joel Comm, Lisa Nichols, and Les Brown. She works with clients to build a strong, branded social media presence, coaches each client on which manageable actions will help them achieve their online goals and then walks them through exactly how to do it.

Get instant access to our pricing menu! Have all the details in FULL TRANSPARENCY so you know what to expect without any surprises. We believe a successful partnership starts at the very beginning with integrity, trust, and communication.

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